Ski Extreme Home Ski Extreme Home Online Membership Community How to Join Ski Extreme Ski Extreme Forms in PDF format Check Out Our Week long, Weekend and Day Trips! As a Member You Can Save $$'s at Local Ski Shops As a Member You Can Save $$'s at Local Ski Hills! Save Over $20 on Tremblant Tickets, $10 for Mont Ste Marie Ski Extra! Improve Your Skiing While Meeting New Friends! Get in Shape With Our Pre-Season Aerobics Program Join Us For a Beer on Pub Nights Sign Up On Our Mailing List and Keep Informed of Club Events and Deadlines Check Out Ski Conditions at Local Resorts as well as accross Canada and the US Links to Sites of Local Interest Contact Ski Extreme


The Ski Extreme Club membership fee for the 2019/2020 season is as follows:

  • adult $20 (18 year and over)
  • child $5 (5-17 year old)

How to register:
1. Register online via There is no online payment. Payment remains the same: cash, cheque or email transfer. Visa is only on specific trip.

2. Click on Forms and download proper forms. All forms are in PDF format. If you cannot view them, you will need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader. To do this, go to:

3. Complete your form and mail them to us with payment or bring them to us with payment to our pub nights.

4. Complete your form, scan them and send them to Diane with an email transfer to

5. When mailing your membership application form in the mail, please include a stamped self addressed envelope if you want your membership card sent to you. If you do not include a self-addressed envelop, you will need to come to our pub night to pick them up; else you will receive them with your Tremblant tickets at a later date if you’ve purchased some.

6. Our mailing address is:


Ski Extreme Club
1559 Alta Vista Drive
PO Box 59008
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 5T7





The Ski Extreme Club is open to everyone.  We do not have any restrictions regarding where you work or what organization you are part of. So what are you waiting for? Come join the fun!!