2019/2020 SEASON TREMBLANT SKI MAX The pre-season ticket registration forms are in PDF format. If you cannot view this form, you will need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader. To do this, go to: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
Mont Tremblant Ski Max Deadline: October 24 and December 5, 2019 Ski Max tickets are available for $71.75
per ticket taxes in, if purchased and PAID by October 24/2019
through the Ski Extreme Club and then available for $75.50 if
purchased and PAID by December 5/2019. The regular lift pass at Tremblant 2019-2020 (taxes included) will be:
To Order Your Ski Max Tickets You must be a Ski Extreme Member before you can purchase Tremblant Ski Max tickets. If you are not already a member, join here. To purchase tickets online go to the Online Membership, log in and click the 'Sign Up' link which will appear under the 'Member Menu'. To order by mail, simply fill out the Pre-Season Ticket Registration Form. We need to have received payment before I can place your order to Tremblant. If no payment his received, I will cancel your order. Methods of payment: cash, cheque or via e-transfer. We do accept payments at our pub night (cash and cheque only). We DO NOT accept credit cards. No late registrations will be accepted. Payment by mail, is to be sent to: SKI EXTREME CLUB,
1559 Alta Vista Drive, P.O. Box 59008, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5T7 Payment by Email Transfer, is to be sent to: 2dpoitras@rogers.com You will be informed by email of specific dates and location to PICK UP your tickets. TICKETS WILL NOT BE MAILED OUT, unless you live outside of the Ottawa/Gatineau area. For outside of town member ONLY, mailing will be available and the mailing fee is $16.00 per package. The club is NOT responsible for any package lost in the mail.